Thursday, December 30, 2010

Slowly Joining the Marketplace

I am also slowly getting things added to the Marketplace and I'm quite encouraged as I no more then had 4 pairs of boots & 4 cloaks added to it then I had my first sale!!!
So Check it out :) 

Oh and a tip.. The inworld prices are cheaper ;p

Spinal Tap!!

Just in time for the New year are the SPINAL TAP Booties in some kickass colors for your partying pleasure!! 9 Different color sets to these. With a BLACK base.
The come with the DemotiK Customizing H.U.D Which allows you to match ANY Solid color skin out there.

20 different nailpolish colors!!

13 preset skin colors Including a couple *Unusual colors* (Editable)

3 save slots for saving your favorite skin colors in!!

And of course they are MOD!! As 99% of our stuff is. :)