Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's here!! Twisted Voodoo!

like to Play with dolls? Voodoo dolls specificly?
Well then you should come slap this MM board for a brand new RELEASE.
Its called the Urban Voodoo Princes, Kicky wedge Heelss, these suede leather boots zip up the side,
But also show your socks! And ya know i never zip them up all the way So I have a handy place to stash my dollies.
Just watch out for the pins. !!

AND I am soooooooooo excited!! We all know what starts tonight at MIDNIGHT. Thats right. Its finally HERE.. (Bounces)
A friend of mine scripted some goodies for me! some annoying but delightfull things for the store to foll and perplex hunters. I hope you enjoy all the tricks and decoys we have designed for you.  . If you like em drop a note in the mailbox on the table and I will pass them on to him :)

So your warned ;p  And no if you wanna complain. I ain't listening.

I have sever Special TWISTED HUNT SPECIALS. For this time arounds Twisted Hunt which i know we all ADORE ;p  I have taken some existing products and done them in the twisted stripes and colors.  CHanged charms around to tinytwisted boxes and things of that sort. So they are at the least SLIGHTLY different then what you'll normally find in the store.

Or in a couple of cases not offered in the  store yet period.  You can't miss the vendors for these special HUNT ONLY items. just look for the vendors with twisted colors/trims.  These will NEVER be sold.

Eventually they MIGHT go into the lucky boards but that wont happen anytime soon.

But heres a peek!