I realized I totally forgot to send out notices about the Batty Boots. lol.
I have been so wrapped up in getting ready for marchs TWISTED HUNT!!
Let me tell you people are gonna HATE the store. My friend Xeno helped me out with some wicked scripting treats and toys and I can't wait to see how people react..
PLUS.......... You may have noticed we have a new building!! Same spot but the building has changed, And its gorgeous! 3 floors! with room for me to add products for a while. lol.
All the luckys and specials are still on the top floor. And I now have a reading nook under the stairs!! lol well ramp since I chose to not use stairs.
I am also comming out with MANY items in Special Twisted Nevermore colors/patterns that will ONLY BE SOLD durring the hunt. At FABULOUS Prices!
Watch for photos in the comming days!!
Now for the Batty Boots :) Called Bat Crazy! RIGHT NOW ONLY 100$L